IX Rid de Villaviciosa

Villaviciosa (16 March 2024)


 60.00 km
 9.00 km/h
 15.00 km/h
 16 Mar 2024

 Phase 1
 30.00 km
 30 min


 Phase 2
 30.00 km
 30 min



Updated: 17/Mar 10:31:33
# (10)
1 27 ana riestra gutiérrez ainhoa la shaana 04:35:22 13.3
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
1 09:29:00 11:41:41 11:43:26 1:45 2:14:26 13.6
1 12:13:26 14:31:51 14:34:22 2:31 2:20:56 13.0
2 29 hugo arias carrasco arion 04:35:57
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
2 09:29:00 11:41:38 11:43:51 2:13 2:14:51 13.6
2 12:13:51 14:31:50 14:34:57 3:07 2:21:06 13.1
3 26 vaque picola laia astarsik jes 05:17:39
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
3 09:29:00 12:18:38 12:20:23 1:45 2:51:23 10.6
3 12:50:23 15:13:52 15:16:39 2:47 2:26:16 12.6
4 30 alazne cue heppe irstych larzac 05:18:25
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
4 09:29:00 12:18:35 12:20:35 2:00 2:51:35 10.6
4 12:50:35 15:13:48 15:17:25 3:37 2:26:50 12.6
5 34 íñigo kastrexana lanzagorta kl aratz 05:27:21
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
5 09:29:00 12:18:51 12:21:33 2:42 2:52:33 10.6
5 12:51:33 15:22:49 15:26:21 3:32 2:34:48 11.9
6 35 ibai pascual luzuriaga er bhalmon 05:32:12
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
6 09:29:00 12:18:49 12:22:23 3:34 2:53:23 10.6
6 12:52:23 15:22:50 15:31:12 8:22 2:38:49 12.0
FTC 28 marcelo vicente gil nuberu cg, aa 50% FTC
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
7 09:29:00 12:18:42 12:24:50 6:08 2:55:50 10.6
12:54:50 13:42:46 37.6
GA 31 mireia labra sanchez necton des pins GA
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
09:29:00 11:41:42 11:43:31 1:49 2:14:31 13.6
GA 32 judith muñoz roselló nf-jr kalahari GA
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
09:29:00 12:18:32 12:20:10 1:38 2:51:10 10.6
WD 33 antonio diaz otero tj murillo de coviella WD

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