I Raid Hípico Escairón

Escairón - Lugo (24 August 2024)

   24 August 07:00 - 00:00


 42.00 km
 9.00 km/h
 15.00 km/h
 24 Aug 2024

 Phase 1
 21.00 km
 30 min


 Phase 2
 21.00 km



Updated: 24/Aug 20:18:49
# (5)
1 4 víctor caamaño huelin shamer 03:41:17 11.5
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
1 10:00:00 11:52:30 11:53:52 1:22 1:53:52 11.2
1 12:23:52 14:09:49 14:11:17 1:28 1:47:25 11.9
2 5 sergio bouzas gómez siul k gens 03:41:22
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
2 10:00:00 11:52:25 11:53:59 1:34 1:53:59 11.2
2 12:23:59 14:09:52 14:11:22 1:30 1:47:23 11.9
3 1 pilar expósito gonzález rato do miño 03:44:08
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
3 10:00:00 11:52:32 11:54:22 1:50 1:54:22 11.2
3 12:24:22 14:09:54 14:14:08 4:14 1:49:46 11.9
GA 2 oscar iglesias fernandez yfl sultan of swing GA
OT 3 jose manuel montaña fernandez nice hope OT

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