III Raid Llanera Endurance y Campeonato de Asturias de Raid

Llanera (Asturias) (22 September 2024)

   22 September 01:00 - 02:00


 80.00 km
 9.00 km/h
 22 Sep 2024

 Phase 1
 30.00 km
 40 min


 Phase 2
 30.00 km
 40 min


 Phase 3
 20.00 km



Updated: 23/Sep 09:51:27
# (4)
1 10 pedro bastos ruiz isis 04:54:18 17.1
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
1 09:00:00 10:51:01 10:57:10 6:09 1:57:10 16.2
2 11:37:10 13:20:55 13:28:21 7:26 1:51:11 17.4
1 14:08:21 15:14:18 15:30:05 15:47 1:05:57 18.2
2 7 carlos fernández álvarez kursat el kabor 87,50% 04:56:35
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
2 09:00:00 10:52:10 10:57:51 5:41 1:57:51 16.1
1 11:37:51 13:20:58 13:28:16 7:18 1:50:25 17.5
2 14:08:16 15:16:35 15:26:55 10:20 1:08:19 17.6
3 9 maría cardeña de haro sabba de torrestio 06:06:37
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
4 09:00:00 11:08:43 11:16:51 8:08 2:16:51 14.0
3 11:56:51 14:08:02 14:17:55 9:53 2:21:04 13.7
3 14:57:55 16:26:37 16:37:41 11:04 1:28:42 13.5
ME 8 david blanco martínez nilo de torrestio ME
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
3 09:00:00 10:50:59 11:02:45 11:46 2:02:45 16.2
11:42:45 13:36:23 13:50:55 14:32 2:08:10 15.8

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