XII Raid de Balsareny. Rutes de les Mules

Balsareny (12 October 2024)


 80.00 km
 10.00 km/h
 16.00 km/h
 12 Oct 2024

 Phase 1
 21.00 km
 30 min



 Phase 2
 19.00 km
 30 min



 Phase 3
 21.00 km
 30 min



 Phase 4
 19.00 km




Updated: 12/Oct 20:52:46
# (14)
1 12 marc masgrau castells joke la reverie aa 05:39:10 14.9
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
2 08:25:00 09:48:43 09:50:51 2:08 1:25:51 15.1
1 10:20:51 11:34:12 11:36:52 2:40 1:16:01 15.5
1 12:06:52 13:32:00 13:36:19 4:19 1:29:27 14.8
1 14:06:19 15:26:12 15:34:10 7:58 1:27:51 14.3
2 13 irene serra blasi illine de bozouls 05:39:13
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
1 08:25:00 09:48:40 09:50:51 2:11 1:25:51 15.1
2 10:20:51 11:34:13 11:36:54 2:41 1:16:03 15.5
2 12:06:54 13:31:59 13:36:23 4:24 1:29:29 14.8
2 14:06:23 15:26:13 15:34:13 8:00 1:27:50 14.3
3 11 judith giménez lopera gold rush de maquis 75% 06:11:19
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
3 08:35:00 10:09:51 10:11:50 1:59 1:36:50 13.3
3 10:41:50 12:07:36 12:10:18 2:42 1:28:28 13.3
3 12:40:18 14:12:37 14:17:12 4:35 1:36:54 13.7
3 14:47:12 16:11:53 16:16:19 4:26 1:29:07 13.5
4 5 marc pérez díaz sw kiskulm 06:20:51
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
4 08:30:00 10:08:28 10:11:10 2:42 1:41:10 12.8
5 10:41:10 12:05:20 12:09:51 4:31 1:28:41 13.5
4 12:39:51 14:15:31 14:20:35 5:04 1:40:44 13.2
4 14:50:35 16:17:49 16:20:51 3:02 1:30:16 13.1
5 7 maria criville nogue estornino 06:23:01
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
6 08:30:00 10:09:57 10:11:40 1:43 1:41:40 12.6
4 10:41:40 12:05:40 12:08:01 2:21 1:26:21 13.6
6 12:38:01 14:18:21 14:21:44 3:23 1:43:43 12.6
5 14:51:44 16:17:53 16:23:01 5:08 1:31:17 13.2
6 6 mireia cañadell reig sw last age 06:24:45
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
5 08:30:00 10:08:31 10:11:13 2:42 1:41:13 12.8
6 10:41:13 12:05:29 12:09:55 4:26 1:28:42 13.5
5 12:39:55 14:15:34 14:20:41 5:07 1:40:46 13.2
6 14:50:41 16:17:51 16:24:45 6:54 1:34:04 13.1
7 14 raquel costa codina alzina del giol 06:27:51
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
7 08:35:00 10:14:05 10:16:54 2:49 1:41:54 12.7
7 10:46:54 12:13:45 12:17:06 3:21 1:30:12 13.1
8 12:47:06 14:24:28 14:29:20 4:52 1:42:14 12.9
7 14:59:20 16:26:50 16:32:51 6:01 1:33:31 13.0
8 9 oriol magrinya roca bambu de belene 06:28:00
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
8 08:35:00 10:14:03 10:17:01 2:58 1:42:01 12.7
8 10:47:01 12:13:39 12:17:10 3:31 1:30:09 13.2
7 12:47:10 14:24:24 14:29:17 4:53 1:42:07 13.0
8 14:59:17 16:26:46 16:33:00 6:14 1:33:43 13.0
9 3 mariona fabre montañez sw mulcaza 06:29:08
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
9 08:25:00 10:05:42 10:08:10 2:28 1:43:10 12.5
11 10:38:10 12:05:36 12:10:03 4:27 1:31:53 13.0
9 12:40:03 14:18:19 14:23:48 5:29 1:43:45 12.8
9 14:53:48 16:17:45 16:24:08 6:23 1:30:20 13.6
10 2 mireia serrabassa fabre cairo gp 06:29:11
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
11 08:25:00 10:05:36 10:08:18 2:42 1:43:18 12.5
12 10:38:18 12:05:31 12:10:05 4:34 1:31:47 13.1
10 12:40:05 14:18:14 14:23:54 5:40 1:43:49 12.8
10 14:53:54 16:17:43 16:24:11 6:28 1:30:17 13.6
11 4 martina casals torns boom gp 06:29:14
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
10 08:25:00 10:05:38 10:08:14 2:36 1:43:14 12.5
13 10:38:14 12:05:35 12:10:08 4:33 1:31:54 13.1
11 12:40:08 14:18:16 14:24:00 5:44 1:43:52 12.8
11 14:54:00 16:17:47 16:24:14 6:27 1:30:14 13.6
12 1 josé das dores dos santos danilo 06:33:03
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
14 08:30:00 10:09:55 10:16:48 6:53 1:46:48 12.6
14 10:46:48 12:11:16 12:16:02 4:46 1:29:14 13.5
12 12:46:02 14:24:31 14:29:24 4:53 1:43:22 12.8
12 14:59:24 16:26:50 16:33:03 6:13 1:33:39 13.0
GA 10 carles picas fajula mb beovia GA
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
12 08:25:00 10:05:34 10:08:21 2:47 1:43:21 12.5
9 10:38:21 12:05:23 12:08:11 2:48 1:29:50 13.1
12:38:11 14:18:04 14:22:33 4:29 1:44:22 12.6
GA 15 ona sellares tejedor maver ushmira GA
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
13 08:25:00 10:05:44 10:08:26 2:42 1:43:26 12.5
10 10:38:26 12:05:38 12:08:27 2:49 1:30:01 13.1
12:38:27 14:20:00 14:24:41 4:41 1:46:14 12.4

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