(23 November 2024)

   22 November 14:00 - 15:00


 100.00 km
 12.00 km/h
 23 Nov 2024

 Phase 1
 36.00 km
 50 min


 Phase 2
 36.00 km
 50 min


 Phase 3
 28.00 km



Updated: 27/Nov 14:41:12
# (13)
1 89 sanad husam al graibeh shelby ss 06:29:20 15.7
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
1 07:00:00 09:16:14 09:20:23 4:09 2:20:23 15.9
1 10:10:23 12:26:32 12:30:00 3:28 2:19:37 15.9
1 13:20:00 15:09:20 15:27:26 18:06 1:49:20 15.4
2 96 mohammad bandar elfayez hareer 06:59:45
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
3 07:00:00 09:20:08 09:24:25 4:17 2:24:25 15.4
2 10:14:25 12:42:15 12:47:06 4:51 2:32:41 14.6
2 13:37:06 15:39:45 15:48:02 8:17 2:02:39 13.7
3 75 lana khaldoun alsayed seleen 07:09:11
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
4 07:00:00 09:19:05 09:25:30 6:25 2:25:30 15.5
3 10:15:30 12:46:01 12:58:23 12:22 2:42:53 14.4
3 13:48:23 15:49:11 16:06:32 17:21 2:00:48 13.9
4 97 omar mohammad alauthman karam oda 07:44:07
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
2 07:00:00 09:12:59 09:21:48 8:49 2:21:48 16.2
4 10:11:48 12:56:14 13:03:24 7:10 2:51:36 13.1
4 13:53:24 16:24:07 16:31:58 7:51 2:30:43 11.2
5 95 mohammad ayman alayan al-ula sa 07:47:21
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
9 07:00:00 09:46:57 09:54:46 7:49 2:54:46 12.9
6 10:44:46 13:13:22 13:19:18 5:56 2:34:32 14.5
5 14:09:18 16:27:21 16:42:44 15:23 2:18:03 12.2
6 67 hamzeh khalid abu alhayja'a mohebat farah 08:00:45
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
11 07:00:00 10:12:08 10:19:08 7:00 3:19:08 11.2
8 11:09:08 13:34:28 13:48:55 14:27 2:39:47 14.9
6 14:38:55 16:40:45 16:57:51 17:06 2:01:50 13.8
7 68 odeh yaser al wekhyan fakher odeah 08:14:44
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
8 07:00:00 09:35:10 09:46:33 11:23 2:46:33 13.9
7 10:36:33 13:23:26 13:34:01 10:35 2:57:28 12.9
7 14:24:01 16:54:44 17:02:03 7:19 2:30:43 11.2
8 84 naserldin ali r.k sakkab 08:35:23
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
6 07:00:00 09:19:51 09:33:23 13:32 2:33:23 15.5
5 10:23:23 13:08:22 13:18:11 9:49 2:54:48 13.1
8 14:08:11 17:15:23 17:21:04 5:41 3:07:12 9.0
DSQ 85 shahim nayef al qteifan joury DSQ
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
10 07:00:00 09:47:05 09:55:07 8:02 2:55:07 12.9
10:45:07 13:11:34 13:40:50 29:16 2:55:43 14.8
GA 81 fayez khaled al fayez sultana ab GA
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
5 07:00:00 09:18:47 09:25:40 6:53 2:25:40 15.6
10:15:40 12:13:16 12:22:07 8:51 2:06:27 18.4
GA 52 abdallah ismail al jbarat sham GA
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
7 07:00:00 09:33:25 09:41:09 7:44 2:41:09 14.1
10:31:09 13:02:11 13:08:08 5:57 2:36:59 14.3
GA 58 rashid sami al jbarat falasteen GA
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
07:00:00 09:42:46 09:48:45 5:59 2:48:45 13.3
GA 55 mohammad nayef al fayez farhouda GA
# Start Arrival Vet-Gate Rec. Time Sp.
07:00:00 09:48:20 09:56:33 8:13 2:56:33 12.8

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